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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Missing Link DLC release date and price revealed

Sometimes, even the best games end up with the absolute worst DLC.

Deus Ex Human Revolution Missing Link

Sometimes, even the best games end up with the absolute worst DLC. Fortunately, Jensen's not being saddled with the latest in cybernetically enhanced horse armor. Missing Link's looking like quite the thing, and the boss fight sounds like it'll make all my wildest dreams come true - including the part where I'm always wearing a trench coat for some reason.

Best of all, the wait's nowhere near as excruciating as, say, getting your arms replaced with transforming robot swords. According to Human Revolution's Facebook page, the DLC's launching on October 18 - aka, next week. The price is a bit steep at $14.99/€10.99, but you're getting what essentially amounts to a whole new chapter in the game. Regardless, I'm pretty thrilled. Are you?

Square Enix have sent over word that Missing Link will cost £8.99 in the UK.

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