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Total War: Attila release date announced

Creative Assembly has announced the release date for Total War: Attila.

Total War Attilla

Creative Assembly has announced the release date for Total War: Attila. The Rome 2 follow up is set after 365 AD, which (history spoiler) wasn't a particularly peaceful or prosperous period for the ill-fated empire. Maybe you can reverses their fortune? You'll be able to find out on 17 February.

There is, of course, a pre-order bonus in place. This time it's the Viking Forefathers Culture Pack, which adds three Norse factions: The Danes, The Jutes and The Geats. That pack will also be available separately, for those not desperate to rush to more War.

For more on Attila, head here: my hands-on impressions of what it's all about.

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