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Fatshark goes "inside" Warhammer: End Times—Vermintide with new video

" Vermintide is not a game about killing the most Skaven," Victor Magnuson of Fatshark Games declares at the end of the debut "Inside the Vermintide" promotional trailer, in which Skaven are bloodily, mercilessly slaughtered in numbers far too great too count.

To be fair, he's likely referring to the way experience is handed out based on a team's success, rather than individual heroics. "Everybody in the game gets rewarded equally, independent of how you perform," he explains in the video. "It's not, like, singling out a player because he got the most headshots or anything like that."

The narration is a little too canned to be very interesting, but the gameplay actually looks potentially very good. It reminds me quite a bit of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, which I like to bring up at every opportunity as one of the finest first-person melee games I've ever played. If Vermintide can live up to that game (or, dare to dream, surpass it), it should be a real blast. For more, Evan had a lookback in February.

A release date hasn't been announced, but it's expected to be out in the fall. Beta signups for Warhammer: End Times—Vermintide are being taken now at Vermintide.com.

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