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Hearthstone: Blackrock Mountain is out right now

Hearthstone's Blackrock Mountain expansion is now live, with the first wing available to card-battle the hell out of.

Hearthstone Blackrock Mountain Blackwing Lair

Sorry, I couldn't think of a better way to say that.

Offering a new campaign - split into five wings - and adding 31 new cards, the Blackrock expansion also adds a new game board, nine new class challenges and a 'Heroic' mode.

The latter there is an unlockable, more difficult mode for Hearthstone veterans, which is nice.

Each of the five wings can be unlocked individually for either 700 in-game coins or £4.99 ($6.99/5.99 EUR), with a new wing available each week. Or you can buy the whole package up-front for £17.49 ($24.99/21.99 EUR).

Or , if you buy one, two or three wings individually you're able to buy the remaining wings, together, for a slightly reduced price. Which is nice.

We reviewed the new cards right here, so go have a shufty - it's interesting and useful!

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