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Dead Island dev's Hellraid gets upgraded engine, Early Access plans

I'm pretty excited for Hellraid for the same reason I'm excited for Dying Light .

. Techland's mix of first-person melee combat and role-playing loot mongering in Dead Islandwas brilliant, and I'll take more of it any way I can. While Dying Light seems more like a natural evolution of Dead Island, Hellraid puts that same kind of gameplay into fantasy setting. It's also getting some upgraded visuals, as Techland today annoucned it was moving the game to the same engine powering Dying Light.

The transition to Chrome Engine 6 will allow Hellraid to benefit from a new physics-based lighting system, more detailed locations and character models, complex animations, advanced particle effects, and state-of-the-art AI systems.

Techland also announced that it's adding more features to the game. In addition to the story mode and an arcade-style mission mode, it will also have a new arena mode, where you'll fight waves of enemies with up to four other players. The trailer above gives you a pretty good overview of all of that, and more.

Hellraid is currently planned for Steam Early Access this fall.

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