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Dungeons of Dredmor: Conquest of the Wizardlands DLC gets release date

It's about time someone conquered those Wizardlands.

It's about time someone conquered those Wizardlands. Gaslamp Games are opening the gates on August 1 with the release of a new expansion pack for the cheeky indie roguelike, Dungeons of Dredmor. It's called Conquest of the Wizardlands. A well as the new realm, a box that contains its own storage dimension, the ability to improve items by "encrusting" them, enhanced stealth mechanics and new skills, the DLC pack will also add "Drunkenness!" and "Minibosses!" and more for $2.99.

Get the full featurelist from the Gaslight Games site, and check out some mysterious artwork for the expansion in the, including this image of a squid-addled deer.

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