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Assassin's Creed: Unity performance patch out Monday

Step through this hyper-technological link to unlock the genetic memory of three days ago, when Ubisoft detailed the fourth patch of Assassin's Creed: Unity's post-release saga.

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to unlock the genetic memory of three days ago, when Ubisoft detailed the fourth patch of Assassin's Creed: Unity's post-release saga. It's like DLC, except instead of extraneous missions, you get a game that works a bit better.

That patch, according to Ubisoft, is expected to "be released next week on Monday, December 15 across all platforms". Supposedly it will fix issues of stability, performance, online matchmaking and connectivity. As someone who's had problems with all four of those things in-game, this should be a welcome update.

Keep an eye on Ubi's AC:U live blogfor further information.

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