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Crypt of the Necrodancer busts a launch trailer

Crypt of the Necrodancer scores points just for its wonderfully clever title, but it sounds like a pretty clever game, too.

scores points just for its wonderfully clever title, but it sounds like a pretty clever game, too. It's been available on Steam Early Access since last summer, but developer Brace Yourself Games announced today that it will go into full release on April 23.

It's a roguelike, turn-based as they tend to be, but by moving your character to the beat of the music—either the original Danny Baranowskysoundtrack or your own MP3s—you increase your gold multiplier and thus the speed at which your character advances. You can get a better breakdown by way of our first lookfrom late 2013, but the short version is that the game strongly encourages players to "dance" through the dungeon—with the tradeoff being that you'll have to think quickly if you want to avoid being eaten by a Grue, or whatever it is that happens to be crawling around.

The final release will include the last zone, with new enemies, traps, secrets, and minibosses, unique final boss battles for the three main characters as well as story cinematics for completing each zone, a new, "insanely difficult" character named Coda, new achievements, a "technique trainer," and of course polish, tweaks, bug fixes, and "some musical surprises we can't yet reveal."

If you don't want to wait until April 23, you can still snag Crypt of the Necrodancer on Early Access; if you'd rather poke around a bit first, head over to Necrodancer.com.

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