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Next Team Meat game teased: it's the adorably horrible Mew-Genics

In an announcement that seems to have broken their site , Team Meat have revealed their next project: a randomly generated game about cats called, brilliantly/awfully, Mew-Genics.

, Team Meat have revealed their next project: a randomly generated game about cats called, brilliantly/awfully, Mew-Genics. Random generation + cats - why did no one think of this before?

From the title and scant bits of artwork, we're assuming it has something to do with genetic manipulation and puddytats, many of which may not survive the process. The newly minted official siteshows a bunch of kitties wearing halos, though on the upside they do seem fairly chipper about it. The only other thing we have to go on is Edmund McMillen saying that it's "by far the strangest project I've ever worked on.. and that's saying something." Indeed it is: this is the man that brought us The Binding of Isaac. We'll bring you more on Mew-Genics as soon as a) we know it, and b) we've stopped laughing at the name.

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