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No Man's Sky won't face delay, despite flood's best efforts

Despite the weather's best efforts to ensure that the impossibly exciting No Man's Sky sinks without trace, Hello Games are soldiering on, promising the game won't suffer a delay as a result.

Despite the weather's best efforts to ensure that the impossibly exciting No Man's Sky sinks without trace, Hello Games are soldiering on, promising the game won't suffer a delay as a result. Take that, The Universe, you damp wet jerk. In ayesterday, Hello's Sean Murray addressed concerns over the project, while revealing that there are no plans for a Kickstarter for the game.

Despite losing "all our PCs, laptops, equipment, furniture, dev-kits, work in the blink of an eye" in a particularly nasty floodover Christmas, the team at Hello Games have picked themselves up and gone straight back to work. "Everyone assembled over Christmas," explains Murray, "and we've been working super hard since. Right now we have set ourselves up at a new temporary (cramped!) location. Some of us are working from home. We've filled a couple of dumpsters with our old stuff, and built ourselves a make-shift post-apocalyptic set of workstations – but we're back, full speed!"

A delay would be understandable under those circumstances, but Hello Games, determined not to let the flood get the better of them, "won't let that happen", which shows remarkable strength of character from the Joe Danger devs. Murray also responded to queries about the team starting a Kickstarter. In short: there won't be one.

"I like Kickstarter, and I love what it stands for (all my Xmas presents were Kickstarter pledges). Financially I guess it'd probably be a really good time for us to do one, and so many people have suggested it. I just don't think it's the right thing for No Man's Sky right now though, and we'd probably rather not eat than do the wrong thing for this game.

"If people buy our Joe Danger games then that does support us. We'd rather you buy Joe Danger because you want to play them though… they are real good games :)"

No Man's Sky doesn't have a release date - at least not a public one - so a delay would have likely gone unnoticed anyway. If you're not excited enough about this ambitious, albeit slightly soggy space game, have a read of this Edge interview excerptwith Murray, in which he talks about the game's procedural worlds.

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