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Screenshot Weekly – A Dark Tale of Spilled Blood

Welcome back to Screenshot Weekly !

! Every Saturday, IGM brings you exclusive looks at upcoming games in various stages of development (so devs, don’t forget to tag @indiegamemagin your #screenshotsaturday posts so we can find you!). The featured image introducing each game will always be original, and made especially for IGM, so you’ll see them for the first time right here! Now without further ado, let’s take a look at this week’s screenshots:

Blood will be Spilled

With all the games about vampires floating around out in the online ether, it can be hard to imagine any other creature inhabiting the role of a blood-sucker. And as much as I’d suffer through rewatching the film adaptation of Bloodrayne from now to kingdom come if it meant I’d one day get the chance to play an action-RPG starring Morbius the Living Vampire, I’m willing to try other things. Enter Blood will be Spilled , a “spaghetti-western-themed 2D action platformer taking place in a world inhabited by insects.” Players take on the role of Jack, a mosquito gunslinger on a quest for revenge. But, as Doublequote Studio puts it, “revenge is like a chili – to make it good, Jack needs the right ingredients.” Those ingredients are money, friends, and his own skills and abilities; oh and “shallow graves for all those who would stand in his way.” Blood will be Spilled doesn’t have a release date yet, as it’s still in the early stages of production. Stay in the loop on Twitterand Facebook.

Dark Flame

Speaking of action-RPGs — that don’t feature my favorite living vampire… —is described as “A beautiful 2D ARPG throwback to retro greats.” The game is centered around a knight tasked with purging a terrible darkness stemming from an unknown threat, that has taken over his order. Specifically, players control Taharial, a crusader in the midst of the Batlic Crusades. As the story goes, “Upon discovering a mysterious onset of insanity by unknown causes among his brothers, Taharial sets forth to purge the area of evil and persevere through the dark possessive powers before all is lost in chaos.” According to developer Warren Smithof BorishDugdum LLC, Dark Flame will feature “large, hand-crafted environments, tailored gameplay, and an armoire of weapons, armor, and magic,” blending retro design and modern mechanics into a fresh experience. Dark Flame is currently on Kickstarter, seeking to reach a goal of $75,000 USD with a few weeks to go.


In a world where cars can drive themselves and cats can play peekaboo (I’m more worried about the latter), I guess it should come as no surprise that even shapes have families. Solo developer Kolapo Oni ( @kolapo_) is currently working on Tales , a “puzzle platformer story game still in a very early stage.” Design-wise, almost everything in the game is made from simple shapes. Getting back to the aforementioned family of shapes, the game profiles the life of a triangle named Rangle, whose mother has unfortunately just passed away. In response to the loss of his mom, Rangle embarks on a journey through a land of shapes to find a new “home,” which Oni says in this case “stands as a representation of peace.” Throughout the game, Rangle encounters several obstacles in the form of puzzles that have to be solved before moving on to the next phase of the adventure. Oni also cautions that “The journey is more than just a quest to find ‘home’, it is also about self definition and discovery.”

That’s it for this installment of Screenshot Weekly . Be sure to come back next week to see more exclusive looks of the latest indie games in development! Let us know in the comments section what upcoming indie games you’d like to see featured in a future segment. As for any indie developers who would like to see their screenshots featured right here, feel free to send an email to IGM at editors@indiegamemag.com with the Subject Line: “Screenshot Weekly.” Or, if you’d like to be part of our Magazine’s Screenshot Monthly segment, include that in the email as well!

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