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Video: Disney animator draws in VR using ex-Double Fine engineers' app

The folks behind the Future of Storytelling Festival have published a brief, charming video of veteran Disney animator Glen Keane sketching in virtual reality with an HTC Vive dev kit running the 3D art app TiltBrush.

The video is a teaser for the festival, but it's also notable from a virtual reality game developer's perspective because it showcases how game artists and animators may approach their craft differently if VR becomes mainstream.

It's also interesting to see the man who animated Disney icons like The Little Mermaid and Tarzan gushing about an artistic tool created by a pair of former Double Fine engineers, Patrick Hackett and Drew Skillman.

The pair once worked on prototyping experiences for "future tech"like the Oculus Rift and the Leap Motion at Double Fine, but eventually left to found their own VR-focused design firm in 2014. It was under that aegis that they released TiltBrush, which earned acclaim from a variety of sources (including Gamasutra's own Kris Graft) and drove Google to acquire Skillman & Hackettearlier this year.

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