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Ubisoft is reportedly working on a film adaptation for The Division

Only weeks after the release of a trailer for the forthcoming Assassin's Creed film, pre-orders and all, Ubisoft is reportedly working on a film adaptation for The Division .

. The Tom Clancy license is ripe for all manner of big budget explode-y Hollywood treatment, and The Division's depiction of a post-pandemic New York seems like a decent fit – assuming it's not about serious military folk trying on fancy kneepads and vests.

According to a Varietyreport, Jake Gyllenhaal (Southpaw, Nightcrawler) is poised to star in the adaptation, and will also have a producer role. Ubisoft is currently looking for a writer.

Of course, it's getting a little bit repetitive to mention that film adaptations of video games are very rarely great, though I do detect a shred of optimism about the forthcoming Assassin's Creed film (it's directed by the guy responsible for this nasty Australian indie). The Warcraft film seemed promising initially, but Chris Thursten was among the folk less-than-impressedby the final film.

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