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The Evil Within minimum system specs are much more PC friendly

Last week, Bethesda published the recommended system requirements for upcoming survival horror The Evil Within.

E3 VillagerFire

for upcoming survival horror The Evil Within. They were, to use the technical term, ruddy huge. To get the best experience, the publisher claimed, players would need 4GB of GPU VRAM and an i7 CPU. Today, they've revealed the minimum requirements. They'll be far less terrifying for your rig.

Minimum Requirements

OS : windows 7/8.1 GPU : GTX 460 or an equivalent 1 GB VRAM card CPU : i7 or an equivalent 4+ core processor RAM : 4 GB HDD : 50 GB

"You won’t be experiencing the game at 1080p and you’ll likely need to turn off some features," writes Bethesda in a new post, "but you will still be able to have a great experience with the game."

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