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Titanfall PC release date confirmed, won't require Windows 8

Respawn Entertainment announced a March release date for its debut game not too long ago , but didn't go into more details than that.

, but didn't go into more details than that. Would it be a timed exclusive for the upcoming Xbox One? How long would PC gamers have to wait? Would Respawn require Windows 8 for its robot battles? Thankfully, all of these issues have now been cleared up.

Rock Paper Shotgunreports that Titanfall will indeed launch on the same day as its Xbox brethern, on March 11, putting to rest fears of any kind of console-exclusivity. Respawn's Abbie Heppe also confirmed that Windows 8 will not be required for the giant mech first-person shooter that stole the show at E3this year and has seen glowing previewsever since.

Earlier this year, Microsoft hinted at the possibility that most of Xbox One's exclusives would not show up on the PC. So if it's not Titanfall, what's the game that won't cross over into PC waters?

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