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Baldur's Gate replicated in Neverwinter Nights 2 mod

Okay, so the recent enhanced edition of Baldur's Gate wasn't quite the triumph we hoped it to be—it scored decently in our review , but still didn't manage to match a modded-up version of the original release.

, but still didn't manage to match a modded-up version of the original release. Ah, but will playing in full 3D change things? We can find out now thanks to Baldur's Gate: Reloaded, a lovingly crafted fan mod that uproots the entire game and rearranges it in Neverwinter Nights 2.

Drew Rechner, a gamer-turned-game designer, told Kotakuthat this project was his foot in the industry's door. He sunk seven years into putting together this mod, and the result is all the epicery of Baldur's Gate, beefed up in 3D.

To play, you'll need Neverwinter Nights 2 and its expansion packs (purchasable in one convenient package at GOG). You'll then find the Baldur's Gate mod itself at Nexus Mods, where it's already accumulated some 5,000 downloads by nostalgic gamers. Get an eyeful of the trailer below; it'll be interesting to see if the jump from an isometric viewpoint adds anything to the classic experience of BioWare's first RPG.

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