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Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach card game planned

Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach is a thing, and that thing has its own Kickstarter campaign .

. It's not, however, quite what I expected as my eyes first danced giddily over the name. Rather than an expansion to one of the best RPGsof the year, Lords of the Eastern Reach is a card game being developed by Zero Radius Games in partnership with Obsidian. And we aren’t talking Hearthstonedigital cards, either. This a real, physical card game you’ll need to play with actual, corporeal people near you.

It seems fitting that Pillars of Eternity’s companion card game would also look to raise its funding through Kickstarter, but it’s worth pointing out that Lord of the Eastern Reach doesn’t seem to share much else with its PC counterpart. It’s essentially a deck building game for two to four players set in the Pillars of Eternity world, tasking you with building up an adventuring party to fight dungeons full of monsters.

Okay, so maybe that sounds pretty similar, but something tells me it might be harder to tell a story like PoE’s in an hour long game session, if not impossible. Still, if you can’t get enough of the Pillars of Eternity world, Lords of the Eastern Reach might be worth taking a look at.

At the time of writing, Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach has raised $8,000 of its $30,000 goal. Pledging at least $39 will get you a copy of the game, estimated to be finished in February of 2016, assuming it is fully funded. And if you’re looking for more PC inspired board and card games, take a look at our list of the best board games for PC gamers.

Pillars of Eternity Lords of the Eastern Front card game

Pillars of Eternity Lords of the Eastern Front Card game two

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