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New Book Teaches Unity 2D Principles

You love games.

You love games. Don’t deny it. It’s okay. We love games too. Some of you (some of us, too), might even love games enough that you want to build your dream game. The eternal problem with this dream has been getting the tools and the knowledge with which to build your game.

Venita Pereira wants to make it a little easier for aspiring artists to build games. Specifically, 2D games using the Unity engine. Unity is a powerful and very helpful tool for anyone who wants to build a game without also building an engine. The only problem with it is that it isn’t exactly self-explanatory. Even if you had the dedication to learn it solely on your own, with no outside help, you might miss out on important or useful features. Just like learning any skill, it’s easiest when you have someone or something to guide you through the learning process.

Periera’s new book, “Learning Unity 2D Game Development by Example,” teaches the readers how to utilize the latest 2D toolset that Unity offers. Readers will build five games over the course of the book, each of which will be used to teach the various principles of Unity 2D game development.

Those interested in the book can buy it hereor on Amazon, and you can talk to the author on her Twitter. Those of you not totally sold on the book yet can also wait for our review in an upcoming issue of the Indie Game Magazine.

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