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Crash Drive 2’ Crashing Out in November

‘Crash Drive 2’ Crashing Out in November
In a recent press release from developer M2H , the studio announced the sequel to their racing title Crash Drive is set to release in November.

set to release in November. The game comes with vast improvements, and will be released on web and mobile platforms, with a Steam Greenlight page up for standalone versions.

“With over 5 million mobile downloads and over 25 million web plays, Crash Drive 1 proved itself worthy of a successor. This sequel is now about to launch and has improved on every front. Crash Drive 2 offers a unique multiplayer sandbox racing experience,” the press release states. The game has many new features, with the most notable one being cross-platform multiplayer. “The multiplayer is cross platform; Mac, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android and Web will all compete against each other. Players are automatically matchmaked and thanks to the cross-platform [setup] there are always loads of players to play with.”

Crash Drive 2 is described as a “Multiplayer Sandbox Racer”, where players can drive in an open-world environment. However, there will still be multiplayer events to partake in: “This freedom is the very foundation of the game. M2H did not forget that the majority of the players still need to have some goals presented to them, that’s why there’s the random event system which spawns random events in which all players will compete.”

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