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Will this winter wonderland be DayZ's next map?

You knew that DayZ has custom maps, right?

You knew that DayZ has custom maps, right? As Bohemia labors away on the standalone versionof DayZ, modders have been busy porting user-made Arma 2 islands into the zombie survival mod. The varied biomes of Fallujah, Lingor Island, and Pantheraare all playable on custom servers, and a click away from being installed through the handy, PCG-recommended DayZ Commanderutility.

Joining these maps next could be Namalsk, an arctic forest covered in custom structures like reinforced defense towers. Namalsk is in the process of being ported by Sumrak, one of Namalsk's creators, and should be available for download heresoon. In the meantime, here's a video of the map being tested in DayZ.


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