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Indie Links Round-Up: Out Of Office

“Colin Northway and his wife Sarah dump their heavy backpacks on the floor of a modest-looking house in the Philippines.


Today’s Indie Linksinclude: Northways, Chasms, Ns and Ostriches.

Born Unequal: The Story of Incredipede(Polygon)
“Colin Northway and his wife Sarah dump their heavy backpacks on the floor of a modest-looking house in the Philippines. This will be their home for the next few months. There’s a kitchen and a bathroom, windows to let in the dense tropical air, a few more mosquitoes than they’re used to clinging to the ceiling, a choppy internet connection and space for them to set up their laptops and make video games. The house also comes with what the Northways describe as one of the weirdest and most intolerable situations they’ve encountered: a housekeeper.”

N version 2.0 released by Metanet Software, adds local multiplayer, level sharing(Polygon)
“Metanet Software released version 2.0 of N, its challenging and highly addictive ninja platforming game, for free through its official website, adding a host of new features, including local co-op multiplayer and built-in level sharing.”

“Chasm is a promising action-rpg platformer with fine pixel art.”

Playing The Games That Nobody Else Has Played(Kotaku)
“The site Zero Feedback has a noble mission statement: to track down and play independent, freeware games that for whatever reason have gone completely unnoticed.”

Live Free, Play Hard: Then Mystical Snake Shit Happened(RPS)
“THIS WEEK: Slapstick fencing. DESTROY YOUR HOME. Mystical snake shit.”

Indie Pleas: Indie game crowd funding roundup for May 17, 2013(IndiePub)
“For those of you who love procedurally-generated levels, you should definitely check out TinyKeep and Moon Rift!”

Ostrich Island – Review(Independent Gaming)
“The graphics are simple but they need not be amazing rig-destroyers, and the animations and sound effects are decent, as is the music (that isn’t anything too special but isn’t hard on the ears). Charm is everywhere, from the concept itself to the cute idle animations.”

Review: Bad Bots(Indie Game Reviewer)
“The gameplay of Bad Bots features a healthy mix of gun-toting action and light puzzling. The Titan is split up into separate rooms (170 of them to be exact) that load individually making for an experience mildly reflective of classic platformer/action titles like Flashback. Bad Bots is far more action focused than the early 90s platformer however, and you’ll be blasting away bots for much more time than you spend mulling over puzzles.”

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