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The Simple And Wonderful Power of ‘Hundreds’

Simplicity can work both ways.

Simplicity can work both ways. On the one hand, you can create something that presents a concept or idea without throwing everything at it, including the kitchen sink. On the other, you undercook an idea without fully fleshing it out.

In the case of Hundreds , a new game out this week, the kitchen sink is thankfully no where to be seen. Hundreds is all about tapping circles filled with numbers on the screen, growing them until they reach the number 100 in order to complete the level.

It seems simple enough, but that’s just scratching the surface of what this puzzle game is all about. As the circles grow they may turn red when they get close, and if two of these red circles touch as they move across the screen, it’s game over.

Other obstacles will start to appear as the levels grow more difficult over time, making it more difficult to wrap your brain around the concept of counting to 100. It’s all about using space wisely and timing your count to the last second as more and more circles litter the play field.

Hundreds is a joint effort between Semisecret Software (the creators of Canabalt ) and Greg Wohlwend , a.k.a aeiowu ( Puzzlejuice ), who first came up with the concept a few years back. In fact, you can see a preview of sorts by checking out the original flash based concept right here.

The full and updated Hundreds can be found on the Apple App Store starting January 3rd. For more on how the game came to be, check out the official Semisecret blog and stay tuned for more on the game here on IGM Mobile .

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