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There’s No Side Like the ‘Darkside’

It seems as though everywhere you look there are video games about space, shooting things, or shooting things in space.


Clockwork Pixel’s latest game, Darkside , gives you all three of those things, all in the palm of your hand!

Darkside’s premise is simple. There are a bunch of bad guys who want precious resources found within your asteroid belt. To put it simply, this does not make you a happy camper, so it’s your job to blast them to hell and back! Don’t let the simple gameplay fool you. Darkside features some spectacular graphics, and the simple gameplay makes it easy to pick up and play. Plenty of different in-game modes should keep you coming back for more, each presenting its own objective and strategy.

Gameplay in Darkside is based on a dual v-stick set up, one to maneuver your mini fighter around game’s environment, the other to swivel and fire your turret in whatever direction you deem necessary. Enemies, as in any shoot em up, should be the main focus of your blasting spree, however, the game’s environement is also quite fragile, so expect more than a few stray shots to send something unintentionally up in smoke. The environment fights back too, that random destructable object could break up and begin hovering about the asteroid’s surface in search of revenge, so at least be thorough in sweeping the asteroid’s surface clean. The total package is reminiscent of console hits like Super Stardust Delta, and that’s about as high a compliment as you could pay any game, seeing as it was one of the most popular PS Vita launch titles by far and away.

Darkside 2

If Darkside sounds like your cup of tea, it’s available now on the App Storefor only $0.99 for your iPad and iPhone , and be sure to Like Clockwork Pixel’s page on Facebook. Happy blasting!

Still need more information? Check out Clockwork Pixel’s official website.

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