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Dueling Indie Game Niddhog Gets Release Date And Announcement Trailer

The latest indie title from developer Messhof , Nidhogg is for those of you who crave some fast-paced old fashion off-the-wall dueling with your cup of morning insanity.

is for those of you who crave some fast-paced old fashion off-the-wall dueling with your cup of morning insanity.  The above announcement trailer (which gives away the game’s release date as January 13th via Steam), shows off some great retro graphics and the insane gameplay.

Niddhogg has been hotly anticipated for some time, snagging the  Game Design award at Indiecade 2013, and also nabbing the Grand Prize and Excellence in Design awards at the Independent Games Festival back in 2011. There will be both single player and multiplayer modes, with a tournament format to keep things competitive, so be on the lookout for this one.

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