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Indie Links Round-Up: Wildest Dreams

“The 2013 the Boston Festival of Indie Games announced that it will present a night of video game and chiptune music from some of the world’s most exciting performers in Boston, Ma.


Today’s Indie Linksfeature pieces on Dungeon Smash, Hohokum and Iron Soul – among other intriguing titles.

BostonFIG and Harmonix Present Boston Plays Indies(GamePolitics)“The 2013 the Boston Festival of Indie Games announced that it will present a night of video game and chiptune music from some of the world’s most exciting performers in Boston, Ma. The one-day event, Boston Plays Indies, is being sponsored by music game developer Harmonix and BostonFIG. It will include music from the Video Game Orchestra, chiptune musician DJ Cutman, Bastion composer Darren Korb, and live musician/visualist deadbeatblast.”

Hohokum preview: a whimsical playground for PS3, PS4, and Vita(Shacknews)“Perhaps no game better exemplifies Sony’s current indie-friendly cross-platform approach than Hohokum. The upcoming PS3, PS4, and Vita game takes a decidedly different approach, with playful vector-like graphics, an indie-artist collaborative soundtrack, and non-penalizing gameplay–inviting you to relax and explore in a whimsical playground.”

Dungeon Smash trailer brings the Gauntlet vibe on Xbox Live Indie Games(VG247)“Dungeon Smash is a top-down fantasy affair similar to Gauntlet, and it’s out on Xbox Live Indie Games now.”

A-Mused: Make Collaborative Music With Muse(RPS)“We found something beautiful, intimate and personal you can do with friends, and it has nothing to do with naughty bits: it’s Current Circus’ new game Muse, an exploration game with procedural audio generation. You begin the game as a spirit traversing an environment full of neon anemones, floating jellyfish, glowing coral, and as you inspire musical creatures they begin to build your composition. You can then modify and visualise your personal song by discovering features throughout the world. Have a look at the video: it’s just what everyone needs on a Monday morning.”

A Solid Platform: Iron Soul(RPS)“A fresh blip has appeared on the RPS radar, and it’s comes in the shape of a third-person platformer with shooty bits, Iron Soul. It’s a sort a Tomb Raider meets Deadspace, if such an intermangling can readily be conceived. The devs explain: “To make it happen, the team drew inspiration from various school 3rd person titles we all know and love (Name dropping MDK!). Such elements are reinvigorated within a industrial setting full of mad robots, unknown voices and mysterious compounds. It has been a long, two year journey for both the development team, project and its protagonist, H-25 but we are finally there. Now we must stand united to withstand the upcoming force known as bot-mageddon!””

Atomic Ninjas trailer shows the hazards of multiplayer ninja combat(Polygon)“The first trailer for Grip Games’ Atomic Ninjas is all about tiny ninjas using tricks, gadgets and ninja powers to eliminate the enemy. Thanks to the ninjas’ radioactive powers “and their healthy lifestyle,” they cannot be killed directly. However, there are traps like lava pits, lasers and fire patches liberally scattered through the arenas, and players can use skills like telekinesis or throwing objects to knock their foes to their deaths.”

A Gorgeous Game Of Mystery And Survival On The Surface Of Mars(Kotaku)“You’re alone on the surface of Mars, and you’re running out of oxygen. What happened? How did you get here? How can you stay alive? And what mysteries lay hidden upon the Red Planet? Those are the questions at the heart of Lacuna Passage, an in-development exploration game from Random Seed games. ”

Ever Wanted To Make A Show Like Power Rangers? This Game Will Let You(Kotaku)“Indie group Behold Studios, who previously brought us the addictive RPG simulator Knights of the Pen and Paper, are now making a management game. It involves owning a sentai TV studio.”

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