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How a triple-A developer takes global player feedback

These days, triple-A "betas" are as likely to be part of a marketing campaign as to generate useful information for the game's developers.

These days, triple-A "betas" are as likely to be part of a marketing campaign as to generate useful information for the game's developers. But in the even more closed world of Japanese game development, Team Ninja stands apart for releasing an alpha of its upcoming PS4 action/adventure game, Ni-Oh , publicly on the PlayStation Network.

Now that the alpha has concluded, Team Ninja has shareda litany of changes the studio intends to make to the game based on player feedback, and posted graphs charting global player reactions to the game.

It's an unusual window into how a triple-A studio listens to fan reactions and changes course, and also, by letting you contrast regional data, gives you a window into the global console game audience's preferences.

We've republished one of the charts below; you can see the restat Team Ninja's site.

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