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Explore The Doom Beneath to Uncover the Truth

Take the plunge into an interactive experience with The Doom Beneath .

. Fashioned as a choose-your-own-adventure experience, the player, as a lone geologist, must unearth a secret hidden underground. Developed by Jon Richardson, The Doom Beneath follows its predecessorin the style of a graphic novel.

The Doom Beneath emphasizes player choice, but also includes a variety of features such as turn-based combat and RPG elements. When the player starts the game, they must choose three out of six available skills, all offering different choices, challenges, and combat throughout the game. Survival depends entirely on choice — by using force, finding objects, or stumbling upon someone helpful. Players will face different rewards and outcomes as they trudge deeper under the ground to uncover hidden horrors.

The Doom Beneath ‘s narrative centers on “a puzzle waiting to be solved” as the player cycles through turns in combat. Making use of RPG features, The Doom Beneath also has health and consumable items, with a variety of traps and challenges meant to test the player’s skills in navigating the narrative.

Featuring art by Paolo D’Antonioand story by Space Corps’s Bryan Richmond, The Doom Beneath is a part of Robot Monster Productionsthat focuses on “interactive fiction for the digital age.” The game is available now for download via iTunesand Google Play.

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