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Snaky 360 Throws the Classic for a Spin

Some of us may recall pushing keypad buttons on an old-school Nokia playing just about the best game it ever had – monocolor Snake.

Some of us may recall pushing keypad buttons on an old-school Nokia playing just about the best game it ever had – monocolor Snake. It’s amazing to see how far the original concept can be pushed in 2014, which one French developer has done with his Snaky 360 .

This time around, the Snake doesn’t move in just four 90 degree directions: On a mobile screen, a rotational circle is touched to indicate a direction in any angle. What’s more, there are 10 Snakes to pick from, and each one behaves differently: It can be longer or shorter, faster or slower. As for the levels, the good old collecting element is there, but the stages throw off the classic gameplay tremendously. Mixing with familiar titles, there’s pac-snake mode with a twist on eating ghosts, bomber-snake, and snake-invaders, where the snake shoots down aliens.

With lots of variety thrown in like puzzle levels, a plethora of powerups and traps, 2590 medals and 39 achievements, there’s much to do in Snaky 360 .

The free version contains 20 levels of play that otherwise don’t have any other limitations in the content. Currently, paying marked-down $.99 (which may go up to $1.70 at some point) eliminates advertisements and unlocks the rest of the game, which totals 370 levels. Other than that, there are paid “cheats” for things like resurrection or boosts.

Slither over to Google Playif you’re ready to control a Snake with new elements in Snaky 360 .

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