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Evolve Big Alpha key giveaway - get access to the Evolve alpha here

Evolve was originally meant to come out this month , you might recall, before it was delayed to February 10, 2015 .

. Turtle Rock is using some of that spare time to run an invitation-only alpha this weekend, from October 31 to November 2 on PC (Xbox One owners get to start a day early, those lucky cats). In advance of the alpha running this weekend, 2K gave us a key and referral code that grants 50,000 uses.

This key doesn't guarantee alpha access, but it will give you a big advantage. 2K tells me that our key grants "priority access," meaning that you'll be second in line for alpha access only after pre-orderers and friends and family of Turtle Rock and 2K.

How to redeem Go to the Evolve Big Alpha entry form For referral code , enter PCGamer4v1 For character code , enter this magical series of numbers: 66124-00509-64155 Make sure you've entered a valid email address before you submit the form, because that's where your Steam key is headed. Read the Big Alpha FAQ

We'll also have some fresh Evolve coverage going up on Friday, so stay tuned for that.

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