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Frozen Synapse 2 announced

Frozen Synapse is the exquisite game of pre-planning, replanning and committing to a tactical assault onan enemy doing the same thing asynchronously, not the American-football-with-robots one by the same devs that I keep confusing it with.

Frozen Synapse 2

by the same devs that I keep confusing it with. Tom Francis gave Frozen Synapse 89in our review, so let's all take a moment to nod appreciatively at the announcement of Frozen Synapse 2.

Where the first Frozen Synapse took place in procedurally generated office blocks, this time the devs are seeking more of a challenge. Details are exceedingly thin on the ground but it appears that Frozen Synapse 2 will take place in an open world. How asynchronous plotting, rewinding and tweaking of multiple teams of gunmen in an open world is at all possible is beyond me, but we're told to expect more details in the coming weeks. It's aiming for release this year.

If you like Frozen Synapse enough to sign up to its mailing list, you get a free track by FS2 composer, nervous_testpilot, which sounds like a good deal.

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