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The Park trailer delves deeper into Funcom's horror story

We heard a little about Funcom's short, story-focused horror back in August , but now we have a proper trailer, resplendent with game footage, developer interviews, and info titbits about Funcom's first single-player game for nearly a decade.

The Park

, but now we have a proper trailer, resplendent with game footage, developer interviews, and info titbits about Funcom's first single-player game for nearly a decade. Which is pretty handy, as The Parkis still on track for a release this month.

So what is The Park? It's a story-heavy horror game (the developers in the following video mention Gone Home and The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, so I'd expect something not entirely action-packed) set in the conspiracy- and monster-heavy setting of The Secret World. You play a "rough around the edges" mum, Lorraine, who's lost her son Callum in a creepy old amusement park. There's a novel mechanic where her voice will change depending on how often you yell after your son...and, yeah, flashbacks to "Jason!" from Heavy Rain.

There's no precise release date yet, but the official site still insists the game is "COMING OCTOBER 2015", so we may be looking at a surprise release sometime this month. (It is an apt month in which to release horror games, after all).

I'm interested to see how The Park will tie in with The Secret World—this screen featuring a creepy scarecrow man suggests that supernatural creatures will manifest at some point.

The Park hatman

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