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The Swapper clones itself to Steam May 30th, celebrates with a clayful new trailer

You remember The Swapper , right?

, right? For beneath that rather bland name lies a gorgeous handmade science-fiction platformer in which you have the power to make clones of yourself. Rather than using them to do chores or carry him aloft like a war hero, Swapper Guy uses them to solve puzzles, admittedly in one of the most striking, atmospheric indie games of recent years. Head herefor a reminder, then stick around for a very Promethean trailer - oh and the news that it's heading to Steam on May 30th.

The Swapper is heading to Steam on May 30th. Just wanted to, you know, clear that up. That's slightly less than two weeks away, giving us more than enough time to watch both Aliens films, and unwatch Prometheus, in preparation. Man, it would suck to live in a parallel universe in which the Aliens franchise continued after the second and final film. Anyhoo, here is what The Swapper looks like (spoiler: it looks pretty damned good):

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