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Jamestown, Shatter and other indie games available in the Humble Weekly Sale

It's 'Black Friday' in the US, which means prices are falling across the internet like drunks playing in a greased up bouncy castle.

It's 'Black Friday' in the US, which means prices are falling across the internet like drunks playing in a greased up bouncy castle. Given the deals that even Humble's own storecurrently hosts, the Humble Weekly Salefor this week seems almost pedestrian. Not that that should worry anyone who doesn't own these six indie games, and doesn't object to paying what they want to get them.

Whatever you pay, you'll get access to the following:

Jamestown Closure S.P.A.Z. Shatter

Of them, Jamestown and Shatter are both excellent. One is a steampunk shmup set on Mars, the other a retro-future physics-based block breaking game. While I've not played Closure, it's a pretty looking puzzle-platformer that garnered plenty of positive feedback on release.

Defense Grid Gold Dungeon Defenders

I'm a big fan of Defense Grid, and I say that as someone who generally can't stand tower defence. From what I understand, this Gold edition comes bundled with the Resurgence and Borderlands DLCs.

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