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Kingdoms of Amalur video talks story, impales Elvis with lamp

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - if you don't know - is a totally new RPG franchise developed by 38 Studios and Big Huge Games.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - if you don't know - is a totally new RPG franchise developed by 38 Studios and Big Huge Games. It's the brainchild of former Boston Red Sox pitcher (we think that has something to do with rounders) Curt Schilling, it also employs the talents of designer Ken Rolston (Oblivion), fantasy author R. A. Salvatore (The DemonWars Saga) and comic book artist and writer Todd McFarlane (Spawn) onboard.

It's a bit of an oddity - although it looks amazing, what we've seen so far feels a little derivative and staid. It's like a gorier version of Fable, or a gorier version of Oblivion, but there doesn't seem to be a particularly interesting angle to it. It could be that because it began life as an MMO its original ideas have been diluted, or there could simply be too many cooks spoiling the broth.

We'll give you a full lowdown on Amalur's scheduled release in February next year. In the meantime, a new video gives a behind-the-scenes look at the motion capture process with Marty Stoltz, the game's cinematic director. Who also owns the world's most amazing Elvis Presley lamp. Is that actually Elvis' plastinated head?

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