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Making The 2013 Game Infarcer Cover

Our April issue is now available , and that means readers are checking out our annual Game Infarcer parody feature.

, and that means readers are checking out our annual Game Infarcer parody feature. Just like our real magazine, the cover of Infarcer is a big deal, and now you can read about how it was created.

For 2013, the talented Zander Cannon (of Double Barrel) returned to bring our bizarre vision to life. Once again, he took a hilariously awful sketch (drawn by me, I'm sorry to admit) and transformed it into an excellent image that captures the heart of the joke.

To read about the artistic side of Cannon's process, check out his Making Of feature. When you're done, why not read about how Zander made our 2012 cover? How about the 2010 edition? You can even support his latest project,!

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