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Southern Monsters is a game of monster hunting and PTSD in Arkansas

Bravemule, purveyor of fabulous tales that regularly feature in our Free Games of the Week , is at work on an ambitious (and commercial) new project.

Southern Monsters

, is at work on an ambitious (and commercial) new project. Southern Monsters will take you down to south Arkansas, where loneliness and PTSD are your companions. Your outlet is a forum for monster hunters on the trail of Sasquatch and the like, and rumour has it there's a new beast at large not far from your house. You've named it Cripplefoot.

Like Bravemule's other games, Southern Monsters is an illustrated narrative adventure, but larger than ever before. With five days of game time allotted to you, the core game is split between managing your PTSD during the day so you're able to go in search of Cripplefoot at night. It promises to roll in all of writer Kevin Snow's frustrations at being disabled in the southern USA, laced with black humour.

There's likely to be a Kickstarter campaign down the line, but right now Bravemule is hoping to release Southern Monsters before the year is through. Here's the whole poster on account of it being gorgeous:

Southern Monsters full

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