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Make The First Alien Delivery in World’s Fastest Pizza

Some games have quite a peculiar theme, such as World’s Fastest Pizza .

. In this black comedy, developed by an Australian man called Oscar Brittain, players have to deliver pizzas for suburban Australian citizens in less than 10 seconds. The task, which would surely be impossible for a regular human, is accomplished by an alien refugee called Tortoiseman.

This alien comes to Earth with the single goal of delivering these pizzas as fast as he can, which ups the game’s pace considerably. When asked about where the idea for such a game came from, the developer said, “The inspiration for the game came from a dumb game my friends and I played, where we would try to invert types of games or genres. Someone came up with the idea of a twin-stick shooter where you don’t shoot anyone, and that was when the first seeds of the game popped into my head. In terms of the story and setting, Australian T.V shows like Fat Pizza and Round The Twist , as well as  90’s cartoons like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Widget The World Watcher were my main influences.”

Tortoiseman is able to use quite a number of abilities, and Brittain explained, “The superpowers in the game are all non-aggressive and actually took ages to design! I took a lot of inspiration from the X-men; I liked the idea that all their gifts could be seen as a curse. For instance, the ability to turn enemies into zombies can be handy […] and the health power-up will slowly increase your health, but it will start at zero each level, so you’ll be exposed initially. So each power has an upside and a downside that affects how you play the game.”

During the game, players will be able to visit a satirical Australia. Says Brittain, “Australia is in a weird kind of place at the moment. There’s so much discussion about race and religion and so many other things that I thought if I made a game and showed people a really warped image of Australia, perhaps it could show that there’s more than a right and a wrong way of seeing things and inspire people to just step back from everything and look at a bigger picture.”

World’s Fastest Pizza is a remake of an older version of the game, which is available on GameJolt. There is already a free demofor this new version, and its full release will be sometime in January 2016 at a price point of $3.99 for PC and Mac on Steam. For further information, visit the game’s official websiteor follow the developer on Twitter.

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