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Prison Architect creators' next game will be VR-ready

Note: The thumbnail image used for this video is from Introversion's previous game Darwinia, not any new project.

Today on The PC Gamer Show, our weekly livestreamed podcast, Introversion Software's co-founder Mark Morris told us their next game would almost definitely be ready for VR. "I think it would be almost inconceivable that our next game would not be playable in VR," Morris said, but was careful to point out that he doesn't think it will be exclusive to VR as the technology is still "too bleeding edge." What that game is and how much longer they'll be updating Prison Architect, which leaves early access next Tuesday, is still unknown—but both him and fellow co-founder Chris Delay are very excited about VR's prospects.

You can watch the video above to see him explain his thoughts on their next game, and you'll be able to hear their full thoughts on VR when we post the show later today, including Morris and Delay discussing some of their early prototypes for the HTC Vive headset.

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