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Blizzard reveal WoW: Warlords of Draenor's new Tauren women, could maybe have left their clothes on

There are few things more disturbing than a cow wearing a bra, and Blizzard just made me look at a whole bunch of them in order to write this news post.

There are few things more disturbing than a cow wearing a bra, and Blizzard just made me look at a whole bunch of them in order to write this news post. Upcoming World of Warcraft expansion Warlords of Draenor is giving the MMO a bit of a graphical overhaul - I mean, just look at how slightly differentthe Draenei will look in a few months' time. Now it's time for the Taurento go under the knife3D modelling programs, and it seems Blizzard have made them a bit more human. WoW's resident cow-people will boast a bigger range of facial expressions, more detailed hair and hooves - as it turns out, this makes it extra creepy to see them strolling around in a bra and pants.

Here's WoW's senior art director Chris Robinson explaining the new look: "The original female Tauren had a lot of issues with too-angular geometry and stretched-out textures. It's not her fault—it's just what we had available to us at the time. Our new process has allowed us to add a lot of detail to her hair, fur, horns, and hooves, to build a far more detailed and expressive face, and to add a lot of definition to her musculature (while retaining her shape and silhouette)."

They also made the Tauren female's arms a little shorter in the process. Here's a bunch of images:

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