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Wasteland 2 secures $3 million in funding

Brian Fargo's Kickstarter campaign to fund a sequel to Wasteland is complete.

Wasteland 2

to fund a sequel to Wasteland is complete. The project has been well and truly funded. With some additional help from Paypal donations(which aren't counted on the main Kickstarter money ticker), the funding drive sailed over the magical $3 million barrier, which isn't bad at all when you consider the original $900,000 target.

The developers promised to deliver a suite of mod tools alongside the game's release should the campaign smash the $3m target. More than 60,000 backers have teamed up to make that happen. Now we get to sit back and watch the game come together. Congratulations to Brian Fargo and co, and all those backers. Go on, give yourselves a pat on the back.

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