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Banned H1Z1 cheaters may be allowed back, if they publicly apologise

A couple of days ago, 24,837 H1Z1 cheaters were banned , en masse, from the game.


, en masse, from the game. According to Daybreak president John Smedley, the bans have since prompted many cheaters to confess to and apologise forusing cheats. In a series of tweets, Smedley explained that, before he'll even consider lifting a ban, the apologetic cheater must go a step further.

"If you want us to even consider your apology," Smedley wrote, "a public YouTube apology is necessary. No personal information please. Email me the link."

Smedley stressed that the apologies should contain no personal info, and also that they should be directed at fellow players, and not Daybreak. "Although you hurt our business this is about them not us."

A few hours ago, Smedley tweeted the first such apology.

"Going to be honest," Smedley wrote, "I wish it wasn't about the money, but he's first and that means something."

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