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Steam Halloween Sale is a vicious slasher of prices

Like a masked psychopath sneaking up on a group of skinny dipping college students, the Steam Halloween Sale has suddenly arrived to murder your wallet in cold blood.

has suddenly arrived to murder your wallet in cold blood. There are 156 spooky games up for sale, including Eldritch, The Walking Dead, Don't Starve(which now comes bundled with a free horror mod), and... Sleeping Dogs?

OK, so I'm not sure what the requirements were for Minimum Creepiness Levels, but the most of the games for sale are at the very least sporting the steep, steep discounts that we know and fear from the Steam Summer and Winter Sales. Snag Limbofor 75% off, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigsfor 30% off and the point-and-click 1996 adventure I Have No Mouth and I Must Screamfor less than three bucks.

If you've got titles of varying degrees of spooky and/or creepiness in your backlist, take a minute to stop by and see what you can find. The sale only lasts until November 1, so be quick about it.

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