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Alien Breed 3: Descent is out; demo also available

Alien Breed 3: Descent is out, concluding Team 17's modern re-imagining of the classic Alien Breed series.

Alien Breed 3 descent thumb

Alien Breed 3: Descent is out, concluding Team 17's modern re-imagining of the classic Alien Breed series. The final part of the trilogy has grizzled chief engineer Theodore Conrad battling the alien menace on an icy, infested planet, working to get his ship operational. There's a demo available, too, so you can try out the new weapons and survivor mode levels. The launch trailer and link to the demo is embedded below.

You can download the demo from the game's Steampage, where the game is also available to buy with 10% off. For a look at the huge new monsters you'll be facing off against in the finale, have a look at the trailer below.

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