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Notch's $70 million mega-mansion recreated in Minecraft

Built by Dan Bovey, the recreation of Notch's new digs is an impressive piece of work, its accuracy highlighted by a picture-in-picture comparison to the real-life promotional video showing off the property in its pre-purchase state.

Well that didn't take long: The $70 million mega-mansion that Markus "Notch" Persson picked up last weekhas been recreated in Minecraft.

showing off the property in its pre-purchase state. There's even a glimpse of the famous "Candy Room," although Notch's feetare nowhere to be seen.

Bovey said a downloadable version of the blocky Chez Notch is "coming soon" to his Planet Minecraft page. In the meantime, you can imagine what it's like to live in a billionaire's voxelized mansion with the video above.

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