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Huge Wasteland 2 update adds new area, Linux support and makes hundreds of other changes

Wasteland 2's Linux build is no longer on the way ; it's just been added to inXile's post-apocalyptic RPG beta, along with around 400 other changes and additions including a new area, a redesigned vendor screen, and new tutorials and music tracks.

; it's just been added to inXile's post-apocalyptic RPG beta, along with around 400 other changes and additions including a new area, a redesigned vendor screen, and new tutorials and music tracks. Listing everything would keep me occupied until the real apocalypse, so I'll give you the highlights of this giant listafter the break.

I'll stick with the "High Profile Fixes", which are easy enough to copy-and-paste from what might be the biggest list of patch notes I've seen.

The Titans have been released! A new area is available. The vendor screen has been completely redesigned! Tutorials have been added New Mark Morgan tracks Large balance pass on weapons and dropsets across the world Large armor penetration pass on weapons and armor class pass on enemies Many optimizations and compatibility fixes Tons of new ambient tracks and in-world sounds added to all AZ levels Ag Center/Highpool/Prison now unlocked from start Ag Center and Highpool can both fall now Reduced loading times across all scenes HOTFIX: fixed infinite loading issue in certain areas

inXile reckoned they were in the "final stretch"of Wasteland 2's development back in February, so this latest humungous update brings them several hurdles closer to the end. If you bought into the Early Access version on Steam, you should find your game has automatically been updated, but be warned that the patch will "break all saves" as usual.

Ta, Polygon.

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