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Blizzard says Battle.net is safe from Heartbleed security flaw

This Heartbleed stuff is no joke.

This Heartbleed stuff is no joke. The latest security flaw currently to startle the internet's collective horses can compromise login information and other previously considered safe data that's transmitted over OpenSSL protocols. Affected sites and service providers have been scrambling to fix the flaw, but maybe you're still concerned about your nightly Hearthstonearena runs or Malthael battles in Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls. If so, don't worry: Blizzard says you're in safe hands when you log into Battle.net.

"We want to emphasize that Battle.net's encryption was not affected by this vulnerability," the company states in a security noticefrom its support section. "However, if you use the same password on Battle.net that you use elsewhere, your Battle.net account could be at risk if those sites were affected by this bug."

The company recommends changing your Battle.net password to something new and unique. Are you thinking of using your birthday or your mother's maiden name? Stop that. The name of your favorite cat, spelled backwards? Not much better. Regardless, switching your passwords for your Blizzard gaming and your other accounts isn't a bad idea – once you know they've addressed the vulnerability.

You can read more about Heartbleed at this helpful site, which will likely spook you enough to change all of your passwords to basically everything. Then you can read our Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls reviewto help ease those shakes.

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