Gordon Freeman is dead (according to Mad Max)
Half-Life hero Gordon Freeman was a tough guy.
hero Gordon Freeman was a tough guy. He survived an alien invasion of Earth, a trip to a hostile planet, and the best efforts of an extraterrestrial empire to keep him from overthrowing its chosen ruler of City 17. Yet as the sharp-eyed Imgur user Swagmastavondagmasta discovered, he didn't have what it takes to survive in the cruel Australian wasteland.
These images, from the recently-released Mad Max, leave no doubt. The bespectacled corpse, the severed arm still gripping a crowbar, and the brilliant orange "3" painted on the side of a crate all point to one inescapable conclusion: Freeman is toast. It's a grim reminder of the fragility of life, and of dreams. Because can Half-Life 3 ever really be confirmed without the Freeman?
Actually, maybe it can. This isn't the first time that Gordo has come to grief in a post-apocalyptic hellscape: He's also turned up dead in Metro 2033and STALKER. I guess it's hard to keep a good theoretical physicist down.
Thanks, GamesRadar.
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