Xbox Store leaks stylised WW1 setting for next Battlefield
A new image has emerged on Reddit of posters bearing the branding 'Battlefield 1'.
has emerged on Reddit of posters bearing the branding 'Battlefield 1'. I'm hoping this one's a fake knocked up by someone with a poster printer, because the alternative is that EA missed every Xbone joke of the past three years.
Original: That man has a cape and a mace-grenade. I could not have called that.
If a leak from the Xbox Store reported by NeoGAF user Compsioxis trusted, Battlefield 5 will be set in what appears to be an alternate-universe World War 1. I would definitely be down for sprinting about a warzone in a trench-cape as zeppelins blot out the sun.
It's in keeping with an earlier leakby a Swiss retailer, but a touch of fantasy will save DICE some of the headache associated with making a game about one of the most appalling wars ever fought. It's hard to imagine mustard gas unlockables going down well.
The official reveal falls today, May 6, at 4pm ET (9pm BST). I suddenly find myself more interested in Battlefield than I have been in many years. Our in-house Battlefield boffin John has listed everything he wants to seefrom the fifth instalment.
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