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Crytek to develop Homefront 2. Also, Homefront 2 is a thing now

THQ have confirmed Homefront 2, the sequel to their decent take on modern day combat battlefields.

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THQ have confirmed Homefront 2, the sequel to their decent take on modern day combat battlefields. It'll be out in 2014 on console and PC. And it will probably be quite pretty, given that development duties have been handed over to Crytek, the devs responsible for Far Cry and Crysis.

It's a massive way off, but Cevat (Yerli, Crytek) and Danny (Bilson, THQ) are already saying it's going to be amazing. "Homefront's unique setting and storyline captivated gamers the world over," said Danny. "With Crytek's industry leading technology and legendary experience in the FPS genre, we're supremely confident that the next Homefront will deliver that AAA-quality experience that players demand." He then did a little jig for emphasis.

"We see Homefront as a really strong universe that has a lot of potential and that has been expertly created and marketed by THQ, replied Cevat, as he nervously wondered if he should dance too. "We believe that bringing our level of quality, creativity and production values to the next Homefront title creates an opportunity for both THQ and Crytek to deliver a truly blockbuster game. It's really important to us that THQ has the faith in giving us a lot of creative freedom over one of its most important properties to allow us to bring the Homefront world to life in a new and innovative way."

Homefront was pretty good - we gave it 79% in our Homefront review, yet soon after release, publisher THQ closed the studio responsible, with much of its staff moved to THQ Montreal. Cut-throat business, this videogames lark.

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