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Remastered Grandia II is coming to Steam

The Sega Dreamcast version of Grandia II, the JRPG that came out in 2000, holds a very impressive Metacritic rating of 90/100 ; the PC version that followed in 2002 earned a rather more tepid aggregate score of 70 .

Grandia II

. 13 years later, it's time to try again: GungHo Online Entertainment told GameSpottoday that a remastered version of the game is on its way to Steam.

The remastered release is based on the Sega version of the game, and was driven by an "overwhelming" demand for the game in a survey circulated via Twitter last month. GungHo America President Jun Iwasaki said the advent of the digital market makes it "especially important that classic games continue to remain available to play in some form."

GungHo gave no indication about a possible release date.

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